
114 Movie Reviews

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It feels like you tried to fit 10 episodes into one, fast-paced, hard to follow mix with a bunch of adult jokes that don't land. I feel like it would have benefited if you spread these details out instead of squishing these all together. The concept is good and the animation is fine, but it's difficult to fully follow unless you have PURE FOCUS on the show and don't let your mind wander into thinking about the show. Some "conflicts" are resolved in a matter of seconds, making nothing seem too consequential. Some characters seems pretty basic despite them being main characters.

It's like someone watched 3 adult shows and made three hours of content and then realized animation is expensive

But I like the animation kinda

Toonbox responds:

From 2018 to 2021, we wrote the scripts for all three seasons of the series. All the episodes are connected and everything that happens is one story in which all events are important. Yes, the series is very event-dense, but this is also due to the dynamics of modern content.


There's no audio my man
Good animation tho

Love it, great, cute, anyways

(time to talk to others)
This is a freaking thing. Did you see that error code?
That error code was this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx-qdiCg_xo
The audio has a message I think
I can't decipher it through audacity please help

Anyways, keep up the good work! :)

Isn't Aubry a dick in this world? Why is she worried about Omori- I mean Sunny?
I might not be far enough in the game yet lol
But this animation is actually sick though, so much feeling in the characters!

This is wholesome and all, but we all realize Skittles shot his dad, correct?

Temorinki responds:

that's why this story is interesting, cause nobody knows that, except for us...

This is racist! >:C

So... How do you feel about your 1st submission getting daily second?

P-PAMda responds:

idk how this exprerssion works on english
But i woke up, opened newgrounds and "m'he cagao por la pata a'lante" when I saw it. Thats how I felt :')


Can't help but notice they skipped leg day...

Not the career criminal you've been hearing about
My lawyers have advised I don't put alleged planned robbery locations and alleged robbery earnings in my bio, so I can't tell you what Sydney's like

Brayden Towner @TheDiamondfinder

Tiny boy (not height)

Proffesinal idoit

Not Pico's school

The moon at this point

Joined on 5/29/20

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