
114 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses

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I feel the style is too muddled
Thinner lines might make if more readable

I'd prefer not to see unfinished works on the movie portal, but this is a great storyboard! The camera work is great and the story is shaping up well! I just wish to see it in a finished state before I give any major criticism

TsuyoXMR responds:

Thanks but this is as finished as it will ever get, this was done for a storyboard college project and I liked it enough to publish it here

I don't really like test animations on the movie portal, but this is really good! I would love to see more of this, but more finished!

Response: Hey, welcome to the site! Hope you have a good time!
Now, if you would like to show stuff like this off, I would recommend uploading it to YouTube and embedding it in a news post or uploading it as a gif to the art portal. It won't get as much attention, but the movie portal is intended for finished projects. I hope this helps and I hope to watch more of your animations in the future!

Juno0h21 responds:

You´re right, I'll make it better.
I do not know where to upload test animations here. I´am new in this site.
Thank you for your comment (●'◡'●)

If you can tell me where to upload this kind of test, I would be pretty thakfull

this is so sad frfr

Pixlaid responds:

This is a very serious video.

This doesn't really feel like animation and I'm not certain this is considered as such. It does have animation aspects, sure, but if feels like a lot of pre-made animations applied to recolored Marios with image overlay
I do love your creativity though, I would love to see this done in an actual 3d software with original characters and scenes instead of marios. Even using the Retro vibe could give some uniqueness to your work! But so far, I'm conflicted with this work and don't know where to place it

After 4 episodes and game trailers for this series, I still am just as confused.

Genuinely charming with fun retro vhs vibes! Keep it up!

RoxyDB responds:

Thank you!

If he wants to die a little pissy bitch, let him die a little pissy bitch
Nothing wrong with that

Not that I would, you know, enjoy that 'o_o

Good animation, but it doesn't really add much to the site. I'd like to see a finished animation though!

Not the career criminal you've been hearing about
My lawyers have advised I don't put alleged planned robbery locations and alleged robbery earnings in my bio, so I can't tell you what Sydney's like

Brayden Towner @TheDiamondfinder

Tiny boy (not height)

Proffesinal idoit

Not Pico's school

The moon at this point

Joined on 5/29/20

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