Game dev by night, not a criminal by day

Brayden Towner @TheDiamondfinder

Tiny boy

Proffesinal idoit

Not Pico's

Hell I think

Joined on 5/29/20

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TheDiamondfinder's News

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - January 4th, 2022

If you don't feel like watching that shit or if you're confused after it, I want game ideas for the flash 2022 jam thing. In the meantime, I'll be looking up how to do Actionscript 2.0 stuff

Edit: Nobody wanted to answer (fair, 4 people watched the shit video), so I got my own idea.

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - January 1st, 2022

I look forward to annoying you even more :)

And I'll release at least one game this year



Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 26th, 2021

The results are in! More than 0 people voted on the poll, which more then I thought I would get. I actually got a whole 3 votes, 2 with numbers. There was one vote for finishing in scratch (because I can't finish it for 2021 Christmas... obviously), And 2 votes for scratch sucks, do real code you stupid idiot. No, that's actually what they said... But I think that's what they meant

Anyways, yeah I'm finishing it in real code. My barley modified version of a heavily modified version of p5.js with collision detection

It's technically an html based game... so easy testing lol

So I'll work on a better version for at most a year... but we know that won't happen

Yes, my posts will always be tangents

Summary: Survey says... remake Christmas game!

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 22nd, 2021

So, I'm working on a Christmas game that I had to develop in




Because it was a school project. But because I am a lazy fuck (says the person that undoubtedly did the most in the group project... not being narcissistic, I was told not to say everything I did first everyone else's grade), I did nothing with the project the past few... weeks

I'm also not fond of it being a




Game, so I made this poll for hopefully one person to maybe see and maybe comment

Worth a shot, right?

Anyways, whether or not you read that, time for the vote part for a Christmas game

3 options

1. Grind to finish the game in scratch before Christmas

2. Wait until next year to finish on scratch

3. Wait until next year to restart development on actual code. The animations are not made in scratch and the coding language I use has colliders, so it's easy to fix. But I need to... y'know... restart all the code. But it's better quality and more customizable.

I don't know, comment the number and add an actual comment if you want

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 20th, 2021

So on the 2021 tankmas ADVENTure, I messed up big time

I have had a perfect streak EVERY DAY

I play across 2 devices to help, meaning some presents aren't open on certain devices

You see where this is going?

Yesterday (depending on your time-zone), I opened the wrong present.

And I didn't even notice until today

God... fucking... dammit...

My perfect streak is gone!

I could be like one of those whiney hacker babys and give it through hacks... but that just doesn't feel right

I have sealed my fate and will never recover


Edit: I am REDEEMED!!


Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 15th, 2021

I need YOUR help!

I make multiple jokes about how broke I am, so this is important

See this?


THAT'S a college that has programming

I want to go to that college

I NEED to go to that college

I got a scholarship INTO THAT COLLEGE

Not as an official student, more of a summer crash course

So I need your help! Please... I know this is a great community and you're all lovely people, so I hope you can help!

Here's the link!

Have a good day guys!

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 13th, 2021

Dude, I failed to finish the animations and code and stuff in three days and they're GONNA hate me

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check previous news posts

Just so you know, I put this on myself because everyone else's animations... honestly sucked

Look at this kangaroo!


And this is what the elf was going to be...iu_496295_8029031.png

And this is the ONLY image of the elf other than mine

Here's mine:


Unfinished, yes, but which one's better?

Or which one has more personality I guess

So I will reanimate the entire game and... well, finish it before you guys have it on here

Now, obviously, they aren't the worst. I am exaggerating for comedic effect. They did try on this... but it's not the quality I want.

But now, I am having to resort to the bad stuff

But here's the good news for YOU!

I will be cleaning up the game with...


February 9th!

I will receive anger if I fail to meet it!

Edit; extra day, all nighter time

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 11th, 2021

I have to animate a player, animate a kangaroo, and illustrate a stage in 2-3 days




Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 7th, 2021


[BRAYDEN.EXE has stopped responding]

I-I don't even know WHY someone would choose me TWICE! I want to give these people like 1M years of supporter status when I can but THEY REMAIN ANONYMOUS

Why don't you want me to show people you're a saint?

Are you just like a Santa copy? But like... secret?

Are you Tom Fulp himself and trying to keep it a secret?


I'm not mad, I'm just questioning it

Posted by TheDiamondfinder - December 5th, 2021


Guess I'll play dead estate classic on Newgrounds


P.S. Wow, this house is super echoey...

I can hear every... voice... from any room...

I am very uncomfortable rn