Good, but I wouldn't recommend text on the screen while talking. It divides the viewer's attention and makes it hard to focus
Good, but I wouldn't recommend text on the screen while talking. It divides the viewer's attention and makes it hard to focus
thanks for your advice
u-uh, well, YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!!
Yes i know >:b
Nothing can be faster than the speed of light so this animation is incorrect.
I don't know, man. You never seen a sloth move that fast. It's unnatural!
All it needs is a name... Prideful building blocks?
Or everyone is awesome like in the thumbnail
Anyways, genuinely smooth for stop motion, and it's fascinating! Had some hiccups here and there, but mostly good!
Thanks for the feedback! I tried to upload this twice, I guess I forgot to name it the second time.
he is dead.
Our Prince, Prince Adam is dead.
You know you can upload gifs in art, right?
too lazy to do that : P
I think this is good for what it is, and the animation is lovely. I know the black screen with the oc staring is an end card for youtube, but it could be fixed with the clip tool in even the MS gallery. But other than that, I love it!
Edit: Hope you get saved!
Ahh, ill keep that in mind for next time then. Netherless, thankyou so much! I really appreciate it! :-)
Game dev by night, not a criminal by day
Tiny boy
Proffesinal idoit
Not Pico's
Hell I think
Joined on 5/29/20